Barrie District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club

Since 1953, the membership of the Barrie District Hunters & Anglers Conservation Club have taken consistent, direct action to improve our local wildlife habitats, care for and protect our local environment and increase community awareness for environmental causes. Our membership is composed of active outdoors people, to whom the care and protection of our wildlife and natural environment is of paramount importance. As active hunters and anglers, protecting and improving our fragile, diminishing and frequently challenged natural resources, is absolutely necessary to our ability to pass these traditions and environmental appreciation to future generations of Ontarians. As a result of these passions, the Barrie District Hunters & Anglers Conservation Club has been recognized by organizations such as the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, The Canadian Federal Government, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, Food Partners Alliance and more. We are honored to have been recognized as a leader in the protection and preservation of our local environment and hope that our example will encourage others to accept the challenge and responsibility of caring for all our Province’s Natural Resources..

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